Preparing Spritesheets

To generate the format of assets used by this project, we will be using an external project, which can be obtained in this repository.

If you are using a typical tibia client, there are pre-built assets for different client versions, they can be found here.

The pre-built assets are built using a specified version. In order to use them, you should use the same version.

Compiling the Project

To compile the opentibiaunity-datspr-converter, the only supported way is using window. If you don't use windows, you should use the pre-built assets aforementioned.

Start the solution(.sln) using Visual Studio (2017+). It should manage installing the required packages automatically, however if for some reason this didn't happen. Start Nuget Package Manager Console,

then execute the following commands

Install-Package Google.Protobuf -Version 3.8.0
Install-Package LZMA-SDK -Version 18.1.0
Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json -Version 12.0.2

finally, compile the project and open the folder where the project is built.

Processing Sprites

Within opentibiaunity_datspr_converter.exe, create a new folder and name it to the client version you are trying to build (e.g 860 or 1200).

Simply put Tibia.dat and Tibia.spr inside the created folder.

in the folder that contains the .exe, shift+right click and choose Open Powershell window here or Open command prompt here depending on your windows version and your preferences, then execute the following command

./opentibiaunity_datspr_converter --version=860

The parameter --version indicates the client version you want to process. These are all the available parameters to use as of writing this tutorial.

If you are processing sprites for Tibia 11 or later, you should specify the build version.

Once done, the result should look like that in either cases

Processing Sprites AssetBundle

Open the SpritesConverter Unity project and add the sprites folder to the Assets folder.

inside that folder, select all textures and modify their settings as the following and hit Apply

then, change the asset bundle of these textures

finally, build these asset bundles, from Assets menu, select Build AssetBundles!

After this is done, you will find a new folder called AssetBundles, in that folder there are several files, the ones of our interest is:

  • sprites

  • sprites.manifest

Pick these files and store them alongside with appearances.dat and catalog-content.json that were generated earlier.

Last updated